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Joanna Lipman

Joanna Lipman

AutoZone Gives Back In So Many Ways.

AutoZone understands the importance of community partnerships and engaging deeply with the communities they support. This Fall, the AZHOLA employee network group has been working hard to ensure that our GOTR Girls and Coaches at Sharpe Elementary have an amazing season. What ensures a successful 5K?? Super awesome RUNNING SHOES, of course!

This week, Veronica and her team did a little fancy footwork - outfitting our Sharpe girls with fantastic new running shoes from our local Nike employee store and outlet. The pictures say it all, right? These are some VERY HAPPY and SATISFIED customers.

3 girls pic



happy shoes

Thank you, AutoZone, for your foundational support since 2018. We are so grateful to all the dedicated AutoZone employees and family members who have given so much to our organization. From Board Members to coaches and 5K volunteers, the AZ community always steps up to give back to our city and our girls. 


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About Council

Founded in 2018, Girls on the Run Memphis inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience based program that creatively integrates running. Our program establishes lifelong healthy habits and instills critical social and emotional skills at a time when girls need it most.

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